Samsung has become the number one smartphone manufacturer worldwide, even surpassing Apple. Although not all countries controlled by the South Korean manufacturer, but most countries in the world market is dominated by Samsung. The Netherlands is one of them.
According to a survey conducted by the accounting firm Deloitte, Dutch models most widely used smartphone is Samsung with the number of respondents who chose as much as 40.5%. In fact, 31% of respondents said that they had also Samsung phones. While Apple a serious rival Samsung was second with 23% of respondents use the iPhone. However, Apple's share increased by 15.7%.
Nokia was still earn a place in the hearts of the Netherlands, at least for the respondents as 10% of them still have phones made by the Finnish company. Underneath was HTC with 5.3%, Sony 4.4% and lastly there Huawei with 3.8%.
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