Follow Microsoft, Google Will Combine Android and Chrome OS

Follow Microsoft, Google Will Combine Android and Chrome OS - According to the latest report Google reportedly will incorporate the operating system Chrome OS to Android. The same steps that have been done by combining Microsoft Windows Phone with Windows (PC) generates Windows 10.

Google has two Android operating system that is used for mobile devices and Chrome OS for the PC. Related to this, Google and Microsoft's position is the same as a rival. Google's Android operating system is very popular and become the number one mobile OS, but the Chrome OS itself is not so well known in the PC market. Similarly, Microsoft where its mobile OS Windows Phone is not so popular, but their Windows OS still remains the number one platform in the PC market.

Microsoft chose to combine both his operating system a few years ago and its realization in Windows 10, which is working on a smartphone OS as Windows 10 Mobile and PC as Windows 10. Google also reported the Wall Streen Journal, Thursday (10/29/2015 ) will follow the steps taken by Microsoft to unify the Android operating system and Chrome OS.

Mentioned that the project has actually been done since a few years ago. But the combination of Chrome OS and Android itself will not be released until 2017.

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