Study: As Password, Pattern Lock Android predictable!

An alumni of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology conducted a study and found that the key patterns of Android devices are often set by the user is very simple, so easy to predict.

A graduate of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) named Marte lodges conducted a study and found that the key pattern set by most users of Android devices easily predictable.

The study was conducted by making the 4000 pattern. Apparently, 77% started a pattern made from one of the four corners, where 44% starting from the top left corner. Indeed, in this way more and more "nodes" that are used in creating the pattern, the greater the possibility of combination. It will be more difficult for a person when trying to predict patterns of the user.

The average amount used in this study was five, that means the average screen lock option that can be made is 7152 possibilities. While users who only have four nodes have 1,624 patterns that may be made. For comparison, if the user uses eight or nine nodes, then there will be more than 140,000 possible combinations that can be applied.

This finding was presented at a conference in Las Vegas PasswordCon. The same aspect is also used to lock the pin code and numeric password. To be able to prevent others predict the pattern lock your device, it is recommended to always replace a pattern that can not be read others.

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