Android Feature M Finally Revealed By infographic Samsung

We finally learned a few new features that will be taken by Android M. This was revealed thanks to Samsung infographic that shows a number of new features Android M. Anything?

We've been wondering about the name that will be used by Google for the latest version of its operating system, Android. Google hinted that the name will be prefixed with the letter "M", and the name of the food, snacks or snack. Puzzle Android M finally be revealed next week.

Problem Android M real name, it still remains a mystery today. But we finally find out some of the features that will be taken by Android M. This information was obtained thanks to Samsung infographic that reveals a number of features that will be brought by Android M. These features can be seen via the image below.

So, if you are ready with the official announcement of Android M? You who have been sitting in the audience, be prepared next week.

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