Nokia Promises "Something Big" at MWC 2016

Nokia Promises "Something Big" at MWC 2016 - Through a video Nokia promised to announce something big at MWC 2016.

Nokia has been confirmed to be present at MWC 2016. The question is, what will they introduce? According to previous information, Nokia will introduce Netguard Security Management Software. In addition, LTE Advanced Pro. Continuing the previous update, Nokia again hinted at bringing "something big" at MWC 2016.

The signal contained in a video uploaded by Nokia on YouTube, which apparently was related to the paragraph above. It was revealed in the video description that reads:

"The technology often makes our lives easier, but what if there is more to the story? Have you ever wondered how the mobile networks will change? Something big is coming your way. Stay tuned on 21 February. "

Sentence underlined clearly signaled Advanced LTE Pro. However, according to previous news, Nokia still will not reveal his cell phone in the event, although some of the news we hear much before this said that if Nokia would go back to the mobile phone industry.

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