Google remove Application Ad Removal which is supported by Samsung from the Play Store

Google remove Application Ad Removal which is supported by Samsung from the Play Store - Google recently removed the eraser app ads with rocketship partnership between Samsung Apps on the Google Play Store.

A few days ago Samsung adds API ad blocker for his cell phone internet browser. Apparently rocketship Samsung Apps become partners in harnessing and using the API and embed it in an application API AdBlock Fast hers. This application instantly get tens of thousands of downloads in just a few days.

But despite getting a lot of downloads, Google immediately delete the application from the Google Play Store. Google explained in his email that the application is in violation of section 4.4 of the Developer Distribution Agreement and should be removed from the Google Play Store. The sound of the agreement are as follows:

"You agree that you will not engage in any activity with the Store, including the development or distribution of Products, that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or access device, server, network, or other properties or services of any third party, including, but not limited to, Android users, Google or any mobile network operator. You can not use customer information obtained from the Store to sell or distribute Products outside of the Store. "

According to information reported by TheNextWeb, AdBlock Fast is not exactly breaking as using APIs Samsung and thus get approval directly from the South Korean company, but Google argues blocking any ads will be "annoying" page of the website, which is why Google remove this app from the Google Play Store.

Interestingly, AdBlock Plus application that also uses the same API still exists in the Google Play Store. However rocketship argued that because the application is not known to the Google team.

Google also recently issued a statement related to the deletion: "Although we can not comment on the specific application, we can ensure that our policies are designed to provide a great experience for users and developers."

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