Did you know, chat in Facebook Messenger can while playing chess?

Did you know, chat in Facebook Messenger can while playing chess? - Chatting on Facebook Messenger can not only talk, but also can while playing chess. This feature is hidden and can only be accessed by typing in certain keywords.

Facebook Messenger, as far as we know this is a feature on Facebook that function to chat with other people. But you may not know that in addition to chatting, you can also play chess in the Facebook Messenger.

Yes, Facebook has just presented a hidden feature in the Facebook Messenger. With this feature you can not only talk, but also play chess. To open the chessboard, you just need to type "fbchess play" (without the quotes), then the board will open immediately.

However, you may be confused how to play it, because it can not move a chess piece. To do so, the following explanation.

Each piece represented by the letter, namely P for Pawn (Pion), K for King (King), Q for Queen (Queen), B for Bishop (Elephant), R for Rook (castle), and N for Knight (horse ). To move a chess piece, you must type the location in your chat form, which pawn you will move to the point where. To move to the location Pion D4 on the board, for example, you can typefbchess PD4.

Yes, a bit complicated but if you're used to doing it with ease, while filling your empty time.

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