App Drawer Will Vanish From Android N

App Drawer Will Vanish From Android N - Sounding rumor, if the N Google Android App Drawer will be eliminated.

App Drawer, a feature that is unique in Android, but Google apparently plans to eliminate them in the latest version of Android that will be coming. Some mobile phone manufacturers such as Xiaomi is already eliminating the App Drawer on his Android phone, because there is no App Drawer MIUI.

Issues related to the elimination of the App Drawer will indeed open new sounds, but at the MWC 2016 event yesterday there are two signs that strengthen, Samsung and LG.

LG, for example, the company is putting the entire application on the homescreen, while Samsung gives users the option to remove the app drawer so that the entire application will appear on the main page.

Whatever it is, we can only see it after Google announced Android mbah N. However, if you had to choose, which one is easier to access the application via the App Drawer, or directly on the homescreen?

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