Watch Apple is able to send messages in Morse Code Forms

Watch Apple is able to send messages in Morse Code Forms - Interestingly, an Apple Watch app allows users to send messages through Morse code.
Morse code is often used as an alternative to send letters when used in the world whose name has not been available a mobile phone or a computer and the Internet. If you know and are familiar with Morse code, you may be able to reminisce with this.

Watch Apple can now send messages in morse code thanks to a scientist named Patryk Laurent who works at the Brain Corporation in San Diego. He has just presented an application for Apple Watch that allows users to send messages by Morse code. The trick is to use the touch screen on Apple Watch.

Through our application can send and reply to text messages without having to dictate, instead we just need to be tapping on the touch screen and the beats will be translated into text. This application is useful if we're in a meeting or seminar.

Of course, these applications can only be used if you know Morse code. If you are not familiar, this application would not be useful for us. Unless you want to learn Morse code.

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