Vice President of Microsoft (Joe Belfiore) using an iPhone?

Vice President of Microsoft (Joe Belfiore) using an iPhone? - Vice President of Microsoft, Joe Belfiore was a long hiatus for a vacation at this time. Apparently while on vacation to Japan he uses iPhone. There is a problem?

While some of us may no one knows, but today we get news of interest. Vice president of Microsoft, Joe Belfiore which has been condensed with Windows Phone caught using an iPhone while he was on vacation in Japan.

Joe Belfiore is currently undergoing a period of vacation. He has a new appearance with blond hair. Surprisingly enough, but not too surprising than the fact that he uses his iPhone to upload photos during a vacation in Kyoto, Japan to Twitter.

But this is actually a common thing, considering he was on vacation. Of course while on vacation we wanted to leave the entire job that has made us feel tired. Belfiore including that leaves Windows Phone (or Windows 10 Mobile today) which is the result of his work so far and decided to use another phone, the iPhone.

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