Latest CPU Will Only Support Windows 10

Latest CPU Will Only Support Windows 10 - In the future, if you want to upgrade the CPU to Skylake or later, you also have to upgrade your operating system to Windows 10.

There are many ways to make the switch from the old operating system to the latest version. Microsoft in this case will force the old Windows such as Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 to Windows 10 by making that Windows 10 will only work with the latest CPU.

This is confirmed directly by Microsoft, that the latest CPUs starting from CPU Intel 6th generation (Skylake) future will only support Windows 10 only. By doing so, you are in the next 12 months are planning to upgrade the CPU, then you also have to upgrade to Windows 10.

And what about those who have already bought a computer device processor Skylake but with the original OS Windows 7 and 8.1? In this regard, the Head of Microsoft OS group, Terry Myerson says that users should upgrade to Windows 10 until July 17, 2017. If the user remain "stubborn" to use the old OS, then Microsoft will only provide limited security patches only. Devices with chip and OS Windows 7 will get updates and security chip until January 14, 2020, whereas Windows 8.1 will get it until January 10th 2023.

Not only Intel, the same thing also applies to other processors. Windows 10 will only work in Skylake and Kaby Lake for Intel processors, 8996 for Qualcomm, and Bristol Ridge for AMD. Myerson also explained that there are differences in performance if Skylake used in Windows 7 with Windows 10. Skylake capable of offering 30x better graphics, and a battery that is three times more durable if side by side with Windows 10.

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