Apple's iTunes Music and Radio will be merged into one

Apple's iTunes Music and Radio will be merged into one - There is bad news for users of iTunes Radio, and good news for users of Apple Music. Because Apple plans to merge the two services into one.

iTunes Radio is a service Apple first launched in June 2013 and then, and only available in the United States and Australia only. While Apple Music launched in June 2015. Apparently, there are plans of Apple to combine the two services.

Yes, the iTunes radio service is planned to be merged into one with Apple Watch. For those of you who frequently use it, you certainly know that during this iTunes Radio can be used free of charge. You do not need to pay because of Apple's profit from the display advertising.

However, on 28 January, Radio and Apple's iTunes Music will be merged into one. It makes iTunes Radio services can only be accessed if you subscribe to the service Apple Music only. This is certainly bad news for those of you who have been using the service iTunes Radio.

Fortunately, there are still free radio stations for iOS users. The station was the Beats 1, which is a 24/7 radio station belonging to Apple. In the first Beats are popular DJs such as Zane Lowe of Los Angeles, Ebro Darden of New York, and Julie Adenuga of London.

Beats station 1 can still be heard for free through Apple Music on iOS and Android. But for those of you who are listening to radio stations in addition to Beats 1, weight is said but you have to let it go, or let your money back to listen to your favorite station.

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