China Bans Google App Store

China Bans Google App Store - China called the storehouse of the Android application store in the country because there are at least 200 Android application store. But none of them with a download in the Google Play Store that comes from China.

Speaking of apps, Android does have millions of apps in the Google Play Store, the official application store Android platform. But millions of those applications none of Android smartphone users in China who download in the Google Play Store. Because, Google did not bring the application store Play Store in the communist state.

The reason, Google in trouble with the regulations in the country that makes the Chinese government blacklisted the Google application store. Due to the absence of the Play Store in China, many application stores was growing in the country. According to information reported by PhoneArena, Sunday (06/12/2015) there are at least 200 different Android application store in China.

One of the many application stores in China was 360 Mobile Assistant, frontend, and Baidu Mobile Assistant. For 360 Mobile Assistant, an application store developed by Quihoo Software and has at least 400 million users.

While the frontend is made by the developer is familiar to us. This application store owners is the same developer who developed the application WeChat, which is Tencent. Frontend mentioned receiving 110 million application downloads every day.

Meanwhile Baidu Mobile Assistant application store created by Baidu, created by Baiduu which is the largest search engine company in the country.

Google'm not willing to go into China, the company has sought to present its application store in China. One way is to bring the Google Play Store Chinese version made specifically for the Bamboo Curtain country.

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