Tortured, Huawei Nexus 6P Apparently Too Vulnerable

Tortured, Huawei Nexus 6P Apparently Too Vulnerable - A video shows that the Nexus 6P turns too easily bent. In addition, the phone made by Huawei and Google is also very easily scratched.

Behind its advantages, the phone always has its drawbacks. 6P Nexus is one of the latest smartphone made by Huawei in cooperation with Google that could not be separated from the lack of it. This phone is evidenced by iFixit is quite difficult to fix when the damage occurred. But it was not just that.

According to a video uploaded to YouTube on Thursday (29/10/2015) by JerryRigEverything account, Nexus 6P turns too easily bent. This is the same as the iPhone 6s are too prone to bend, or perhaps even worse than the iPhone 6. But to bend itself does not need to be too problematic because things like this would not happen in real life.

Unfortunately, this phone which uses aluminum as a construction material was very easily scratched. By watching the video above, you will find out himself. So it is advisable for users to buy the Nexus 6P protective casing for this phone and avoid storing the phone in your pocket if you do not want your phone to injury.

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