Promo HTC One A9 Through Video

Promo HTC One A9 Through Video - HTC recently downloaded a video in which to promote their latest mobile phone HTC One A9. The video invites you to be a people that are "different."
In an effort to promote the smartphone HTC One A9 which will soon be marketed in the United States, HTC has recently launched an advertisement in a video uploaded on Tuesday (11/03/2015) through HTC's channel on YouTube.

Ads that invite users to "be different, daring, hard, inspired, free and brilliant" and for not being mainstream. Strangely enough HTC emphasizes to be "different" in its advertising considering they are promoting smartphone HTC One A9 claimed many people mimic the design of the iPhone. But HTC itself has denied it, saying that Apple was the one that mimics the design of their phones.

For those of you who are interested to see video ads that promote this HTC One A9 you can see in the video above. And try to give a response to the video via the comments below.

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