Chrome For Android & iOS Reaches 800 Million Monthly Active Users

Chrome For Android & iOS Reaches 800 Million Monthly Active Users - Google has just announced that the current version of the Chrome browser to Android and IOS hers already has 800 million monthly active users, more than doubled compared with last year.

Chrome browser has become very popular nowadays. In fact, according to Google, his browser already has 800 million monthly active users, and only from Android and iOS users only.

This data was revealed by Google for Chrome Dev Summit event, as reported by Ubergizmo, Tuesday (17/11/2015). From the data revealed by the mean number of Chrome users has doubled from last year that the number of users reached 400 million. This is a very significant improvement.

But Google did not give details of how the number of users of each platform Android and iOS. Most likely the number of Chrome users of the Android platform is much bigger than iOS users, given Google Chrome installed by default on Android devices.

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