Beware False Burglar Password Staking Application Windows Phone Users

Beware False Burglar Password Staking Application Windows Phone Users - Your Windows Phone smartphone users should be careful with a fake applications in the Windows Store. Because these applications can steal personal data including your password.

When asked about the most secure mobile platform today, most people would say Blackberry or Windows Phone and iOS. While most analysts believe that Windows Phone be the most appropriate device when the user requires data security.

But there is no ivory that is not cracked, that's a saying that according to the Windows Phone. Although considered to be the safest, but that does not mean hackers can not penetrate. Evidence some users as reported by Softpedia, Saturday (11/21/2015) reported that they found fake applications found in the Windows Store and try to take their personal information such as passwords.

Disseminators of false applications using the names of the Windows Phone solutions or names of popular applications to convince users and installing this fake application on their smartphone. One example of this fake application using the name "Tweetium Beta". For users of Twitter and Windows Phone smartphones certainly know Tweetium, a popular Twitter client application on Windows Phone. Tweetium development team was warned to not download this application if found in the Windows Store.

Even the site Neowin found 30 fake applications in the Windows Store that use the names of popular applications to trick users. Currently, Microsoft is working to remove these fake applications from the Windows Store.

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