Apple Want to Create New Products For Medical

Apple Want to Create New Products For Medical - Apple CEO hinted that they are preparing new products related to the medical. But not Apple Watch, although the possibility is still something to do with the smart watches.

Apple CEO Tim Cook in an interview with the Telegraph recently signaled new products are going to make and are associated with a medical or health. Before Apple Watch was launched, many parties considered that the product is Apple Watch that reportedly been discussed with the National Agency of Drug and Food USA, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), but this smartwatch in fact became the fashion and fitness.

In the interview, Cook as reported by Ubergizmo, Monday (09/11/2015) says that he does not want Apple Watch into a product regulated by the government, so Apple may make other products. Cook does not mind making medical products related to Apple Watch, but not Apple devices Watch.

With that statement, it is clear that Apple Watch is not a medical-related products, and that we all know considering Apple Watch launched. But medical products it could have an application, or other products.

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