Google's Entire Stock Of Domain ' A To Z '

Google's Entire Stock Of Domain ' A To Z ' - Google just buy up the domain. Start A to Z purchased Google. Yes, the domain was bought by the giant search engine company this is the domain of

Google just shopping domains, domain A to Z diborong by this giant search engine company. But it's not that Google buy many domains, because the domain is purchased only one i.e.

He bought the domain this is no relation to the new parent company Google named Alphabet. Google seems to not want to there is confusion or may not want a domain that relates to the Alphabet is owned by another company. The purchase itself was done shortly after the official Alphabet stands.

But Google seems to not buy this domain with a low price, because this domain is already owned by another person or company. It means that Google does not buy this domain from the domain sales service, but from other people who have it. Recorded in the Whois domain that have already registered since 1999. Alas, it is not revealed how much the price of that domain.

Google itself currently has 18.095 domains that have connection or resemblance to domain like and So when the user incorrectly typing Google, then it will still be redirected to

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