Windows 10 Sudah Diadopsi 25 Juta PC Diseluruh Dunia

Until now, Windows 10 already adopted the 25 million PCs worldwide. Microsoft still must continue to work hard to meet the target that Windows 10 is installed on 1 billion devices by 2017.

Microsoft up until now does not release any data on how much the amount of the adoption of Windows 10 to date. But the report from Softpedia News says that since Windows 10 was first released on July 29 has been installed in 25 million devices worldwide PC.

If you look at recent statistics which recorded a figure of 14 million devices have been installed Windows 10 in just over 24 hours, then the data is indeed plausible though not confirmed directly by Microsoft. It is certainly a very positive result for Microsoft. At least better than Windows 8.1.

This figure itself is still far from the target Microsoft is hoping Windows 10 can be adopted 1 billion devices including mobile devices (which use Windows 10 Mobile) until 2017.

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