My Work


My Work Is Not Yet Done Kindle Edition

Product Description

When junior manager Frank Dominio is suddenly demoted and then sacked it seems there was more than a grain of truth to his persecution fantasies. But as he prepares to even the score with those responsible for his demise, he unwittingly finds an ally in a dark and malevolent force that grants him supernatural powers. Frank takes his revenge in the most ghastly ways imaginable - but there will be a terrible price to pay once his work is done.

Destined to be a cult classic, this tale of corporate horror and demonic retribution will strike a chord with anyone who has ever been disgruntled at work.

"Ligotti has written another colorful collection of horror stories . . . which spring on the unsuspecting reader the combination of supernatural characters, natural props, and "weird" circumstances . . . snapshots of horror that demonstrate Ligotti's command of language and rich imagination. Starkly colored images keep the reader gasping."  —Library Journal on Noctuary

"If there were a literary genre called 'philosophical horror,' Thomas Ligotti's Grimscribe would easily fit within it . . . provocative images and a style that is both entertaining and lyrical."  —New York Times Book Review


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