Dakota Christmas


Dakota Christmas (Kindle Single) [Kindle Edition]

Editorial Reviews

Amazon.com Review

I have to admit, when I glanced at the title of Joseph Bottum's Kindle Single, Dakota Christmas, I was a bit skeptical. Whenever I see something with "Christmas" in the title, I get visions of sugarplums dancing in my head... and it makes me want to reach for an aspirin. But this is not your garden-variety holiday fare (despite the requisite mentions of Slinkys, cap guns, bouncing nursery horses, and yes--ultimately--God). So, too, despite Bottum's channeling the ghost of Christmases past, inviting us to take hold of his sleeve and revisit scenes of yuletide cheer. In these tender, but not too precious, childhood recollections, we’re treated to a quiet respite "from the mess and clutter of our overpopulated Christmas desires." Take your Kindle under the covers with a flashlight and read this Kindle Single with the same relish as a young Joseph Bottum and a gifted Jules Verne. --Erin Kodicek

Product Description

A memoir of childhood Christmases on the South Dakota plains. By turns sweet and comic, sentimental and serious, Joseph Bottum's "Dakota Christmas" is an instant Christmas classic. In this beautifully written account of the mad joys and wild emotions of Christmas for children, Bottum captures the universal spirit of the season even while he recounts his memories with a sharp particularity that brings them alive for readers.

"Her hair was the same thin shade of gray as the weather-beaten pickets of the fence around her frozen garden," he writes of one chance Christmas encounter. "She had a way with horses, and she was alone on Christmas Eve. There is little in my life I regret as much as that I would not stay for just one cookie, just one cup of tea."

"Joseph Bottum is one of America’s most gifted writers, with a perfect ear and a matchless style," the essayist Andrew Ferguson notes of "Dakota Christmas." And "to watch him deck the halls with his customary humor and generosity of spirit is glad tidings indeed--guaranteed to make your Yuletide bright."

"Families have always loved brief Christmas classics that could be read aloud by the fire," adds Michael Novak. "Joseph Bottum's 'Dakota Christmas' is such a classic."

Product Details

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 85 KB
  • Print Length: 20 pages
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B006GP07GU

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